Grace Christian Church

Lighting the Path to Life in Jesus Christ
Worship Service Sundays @ 9:30 a.m
730 Main Street, Waltham, MA 02451
Remote Access
You are welcome to join our Sunday meeting remotely via ZOOM. If you are familiar with ZOOM simply hit the "Join Online" button above at our meeting's start time, Sunday, 9:30 a.m. EST. If you need help, please consult the Connection Guide below. Note: You will be put into a waiting room, the Zoom host has to let you in.
Connection Guide
Grace Christian Church uses the ZOOM video conferencing platform. You can join by a smartphone or computer equipped with a microphone and camera. You can also join by phone. Here are some tips to help you join us:
To join by computer or smartphone, simply click the "JOIN ONLINE" button above. You will then be taken to the online "room" where the study will take place.
After clicking the button above, you may be prompted to install the ZOOM app. You should go ahead and follow the directions to install the app. This process will not harm your computer in any way and will take less than a minute. Once installation is complete, you should be able to join the conversation.
When you first arrive in the ZOOM room, your microphone may be muted. Please check before you try to speak. To unmute yourself, press the microphone icon at the bottom left of your screen.
To join by phone, Find the local number at this website: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kexhNeR1q
Use the Meeting ID: 884 6978 4270 and
Passcode: 461777 -
Click here to be taken to the ZOOM support site.
If possible, please join us in person in Waltham, MA.
City of Waltham Resources
For your convenience, we have assembled a list of some local resources. We will update this list as we become aware of more services.